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Constructing Qualitative Research Questions and Choosing the Right Approach

Constructing Qualitative Research Questions and Choosing the Right Approach

SBM Online: SBM has once again successfully conducted their 6th SBM Postgraduate Talk Series 2017 on 11th of July, 2017 at SBM’s Main Meeting Room. The talk which entitled Constructing Qualitative Research Questions and Choosing the Right Approach” was delivered by Dr. Kadzrina Abdul Kadir, Senior Lecturer, SBM-COB. The focus of the lecture was on the importance of the qualitative method in research. The session which was attended by more than 35 staff and postgraduate students was organized to cultivate a culture of exchange and sharing of information among staff, students and scholars, as well as to enrich student learning especially those that are actively engaged in research.

Dr. Kadzrina Abdul Kadir highlighted that the primary aim of qualitative research approach was to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic which brings forward questions about people’s everyday lives and experiences. She further added that a qualitative researcher would have the privilege to explore the ‘significant truths’ in people’s lives and circumstances.

Students who intend to do qualitative research are advised to start setting out the research questions of interest and what the researcher hopes to learn from the topic. These questions, together with the right approach, will guide and structure the choice of data to be collected and analyzed. Dr Kadzrina also stressed that there is no recipe for the perfect research question(s), but there are bad research questions. Research questions need to be shaped, crafted and refined until they are workable.

The talk session was truly interactive and lively with participants actively engaged throughout the session. The participants expressed their appreciation to SBM and Dr. Kadzrina Abdul Kadir for sharing her valuable experiences and visions.